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The Ustroń he­alth re­sort has two hun­d­red ye­ars of tra­di­tion.

Ustroń is a spa town of pied­mont cha­rac­ter /1020­-1350 ft/ with a re­la­ti­ve­ly warm cli­ma­te.

No­wa­days it of­fers 1650 beds in se­ve­ral sa­na­to­riums, 120 beds in the Si­le­sian Re­ha­bi­li­ta­tion Center and 360 in the Si­le­sian Rhe­u­ma­tic Hos­pi­tal. All of the­se pla­ces of­fer com­for­tab­le sin­g­le­-, doub­le­- or 3-per­son ro­oms with pri­va­te bat­h­ro­om and toi­let, and pro­vi­de me­di­cal and the­ra­peu­tic ro­oms and ca­fes.

The most im­por­tant part of the re­sort dis­t­rict Za­wo­dzie is the Phy­siot­he­ra­peu­tic Center (Uzdro­wis­ko­wy Zakład Przy­ro­do­lecz­ni­czy), equip­ped with mo­dern me­di­cal de­vi­ces and equipment. It specializes in phy­siot­he­ra­peu­tic tre­at­ment such as sa­li­ne baths (do­ne in se­pa­ra­te bat­h­tubs or in spe­cial po­ols), mud baths, la­ser­-, light­- and elec­t­ric the­ra­py, cryot­he­ra­py, in­ha­la­tions and mas­sa­ges. The re­ha­bi­li­ta­tion in the sa­na­to­riums is avai­lab­le not on­ly for the pa­tients of Re­gio­nal He­alth Funds but also in fact for everyone who pays full char­ge for the so­journ and tre­at­ment.

The­re are on­ly a few exam­p­les of the town's old tra­di­tio­nal buil­dings. Con­s­truc­ted in 1769, the wo­o­den St An­na's Church in Ustroń Nie­ro­dzim, is one of the most pre­cious, and a re­con­s­truc­ted wo­o­den buil­ding from the se­cond half of the XVI­I­I cen­tu­ry is al­so worth se­eing. Anot­her exam­p­le of in­te­res­ting ar­chi­tec­tu­re is the Ro­man Cat­ho­lic Church of St Cle­ment from 1788. In front of it you can se­e two sta­tues by the XVIII cen­tu­ry scul­p­tor Wac­ław Do­nay: one of them re­pre­sents St Jo­seph with the Child, the ot­her Jan Ne­po­mu­cen. The Pro­tes­tant Church de­di­ca­ted to the Apos­t­le Ja­cob, was con­s­truc­ted in 1835. The church, built in clas­si­cal sty­le, has a lar­ge na­ve with ad­joi­ning ais­les. The al­tar, de­sig­ned by the Au­strian ar­chi­tect Re­pre­eut, stands in the se­mi­cir­cu­lar chan­cel. Whi­le wal­king through the stre­ets of the town, ma­ke a vi­sit to Iron­works and Smit­hy Mu­se­um hou­sed in the for­mer he­ad­qu­ar­ters of the iron­works. The ex­hi­bi­tion pre­sents the his­to­ry of the iron­works in Ustroń. You can se­e mi­nia­tu­re mo­dels of va­rious ma­chi­nes as well as so­me iron ob­jects. The ro­oms on the ground flo­or are used for tem­po­ra­ry ex­hi­bi­tions. They al­so hou­se Ustroń Mo­dern Art Gal­le­ry. An in­te­res­ting tou­rist at­trac­tion is So­bies­ki's Oak Tre­e from 1683. The le­gend has it that the lo­cal peop­le to commemo­ra­te King So­bies­ki's vic­to­ry at Vien­na planted the tre­e.

Ta­king a red­-colored trail from Za­wo­dzie to Rów­ni­ca you get to the XVI­I­I cen­tu­ry sto­ne al­tar, which was used by the per­se­cu­ted Lut­he­rans as a pla­ce of re­li­gious wor­s­hip. The­re are on­ly a few exam­p­les of the town's old tra­di­tio­nal buil­dings. Con­s­truc­ted in 1769, the wo­o­den St An­na's Church in Ustroń Nie­ro­dzim, is one of the most pre­cious, and a re­con­s­truc­ted wo­o­den buil­ding from the se­cond half of the XVI­I­I cen­tu­ry is al­so worth se­eing. Anot­her exam­p­le of in­te­res­ting ar­chi­tec­tu­re is the Ro­man Cat­ho­lic Church of St Cle­ment from 1788. In front of it you can se­e two sta­tues by the XVIII cen­tu­ry scul­p­tor Wac­ław Do­nay: one of them re­pre­sents St Jo­seph with the Child, the ot­her Jan Ne­po­mu­cen. The Pro­tes­tant Church de­di­ca­ted to the Apos­t­le Ja­cob, was con­s­truc­ted in 1835. The church, built in clas­si­cal sty­le, has a lar­ge na­ve with ad­joi­ning ais­les. The al­tar, de­sig­ned by the Au­strian ar­chi­tect Re­pre­eut, stands in the se­mi­cir­cu­lar chan­cel. Whi­le wal­king through the stre­ets of the town, ma­ke a vi­sit to Iron­works and Smit­hy Mu­se­um hou­sed in the for­mer he­ad­qu­ar­ters of the iron­works. The ex­hi­bi­tion pre­sents the his­to­ry of the iron­works in Ustroń. You can se­e mi­nia­tu­re mo­dels of va­rious ma­chi­nes as well as so­me iron ob­jects. The ro­oms on the ground flo­or are used for tem­po­ra­ry ex­hi­bi­tions. They al­so hou­se Ustroń Mo­dern Art Gal­le­ry. An in­te­res­ting tou­rist at­trac­tion is So­bies­ki's Oak Tre­e from 1683. The le­gend has it that the lo­cal peop­le to commemo­ra­te King So­bies­ki's vic­to­ry at Vien­na planted the tre­e.

An unusual setting amidst the picturesque slopes of Czantoria and Równica,

well-marked walks, mountain hikes and sport facilities provide excellent conditions for climbing, skiing,

cycling and other summer and winter sports. There are numerous signposted trails for walking, hiking and cycling. Sport lovers will appreciate conditions for more extreme sports activities such as mountain running, cross-country races or hang gliding, or simply fishing, swimming and other water sports One of the main at­trac­tions is the chair lift to the top of Czan­to­ria and Sum­mer To­bog­gan­-Run al­so from Czan­to­ria.

The ne­ar­by cle­a­ring of Sto­kło­si­ca com­mands fi­ne pa­no­ra­mic views over Ustroń and the Bes­kid Śląs­ki re­gion; whe­re­as from the top of Czan­to­ria, on a sun­ny day, you can ad­mi­re the Tat­ra Moun­tains and Ma­ła Fat­ra.

From the top of Czan­to­ria you can cross the bor­der to the Czech Re­public.

The top of Rów­ni­ca is ac­ces­sib­le on fo­ot and by car.

Apart from the won­der­ful views, tou­rists can en­joy a ho­me­ly at­mos­p­he­re of the hos­tel and a rus­tic charm of the old huts.

The­re are a lot of at­trac­tions wai­ting for tou­rists vi­si­ting Ustroń in winter.

Ama­teur skiers ha­ve at their dis­po­sal se­ve­ral ski lifts, well­-kept al­pi­ne ski slo­pes, ma­ny of them ar­ti­fi­cial­ly lit and snow­-co­ve­red. In ca­se of bad we­at­her Ustroń of­fers in­do­or swim­ming po­ols, fit­ness cen­t­res, sau­na baths, solariums, facilities for playing bil­liards, gyms and in­do­or ten­nis courts.

The­re are nu­me­rous cul­tu­ral events ta­king pla­ce in Ustroń all ye­ar round. Most of them are organized an­nu­a­lly in the am­p­hit­he­at­re or in the lo­cal Cul­tu­re Center "Prażakówka". Worth men­tio­ning are the Art Se­a­son In­au­gu­ra­tion, the Par­t­ner­s­hip Towns Fes­ti­val, Re­li­gious Fes­ti­val "Gaude Fest", Sum­mer Beau­ty Con­test, The­at­re Fes­ti­val "UST-a", Har­vest Fes­ti­val, Au­tumn Mu­sic Fes­ti­val, New Ye­ar's Con­cert. Lo­cal mu­sic and art groups play an im­por­tant role in the cul­tu­ral li­fe of Ustroń. The­se are: the "Czantoria" Folk Group and the Chil­d­ren's Folk Group "Równica".

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